This is the Start Page for all the family pages.
I made the URL easy to remember, because I won't link it to anything.
Make sure you bookmark it!

Don and Joyce's Anniversary Page
Tanya's Birthday Page
John's Birthday Page
David's Birthday Page
Happy Birthday, Jacob

J. J.

If there is more than one page in an Album-
all the pages will be linked to each other within that Album.
There will also be a link to this Family Page.

If there is only one page instead of an Album-
please use your browsers "Back" button to return here.

To go to another Album or anywhere else on my WebSite,
you need to come to the Family Page and access it from here.

To navigate this Site- Charlotte's Web,too:
My Front Door - About me and what this WebSite is about! - Meine Mutter- My Mother
Kleinsachsenheim, my Hometown
Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome - Your Daily Motivational Message
- Quotes - Garden of Friendship - Random Acts of Kindness
Pearls of Wisdom/ Nuggets of Knowledge - The Hunger Site - We remember......
Special Pets that own us - My Awards
My PSP Tutorial Projects - WebTech Lessons